
Annapolis Naval Academy (Annapolis) On the morning of October 13, 1907. Lt. J. Sutton committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. The same day, the ghost of Lt. Sutton was said to have appeared to his mother and sister in Oregon. He told them that he didn't kill himself but that he was beaten to death by one of the officers. The family started and investigation in which they exhumed the body and an autopsy was done. It revealed that he was severely beaten before he was shot, yet no charges were ever filed in his death.


Blood Run (Bladensburg)Also known as the "Dueling Grounds" Fifty or more bloody duels were fought here. A number of corpselike ghosts are said to walk the grounds. The ghosts are dark and shadow like forms that disappear at any kind of sound. One ghost is that of Stephen Decatur, he eternally repeats the day he was gunned down in 1820. Several other ghosts roam this spot including one of the sons of Francis Scott Key, Daniel Key. He was killed in a duel in June of 1836.


Blackwater Mule (Madison)For many years a devil mule haunted this marshy area. If sighted it meant that a disaster would befall the observer within a few days time. When the mule was alive it was thought to be possessed by the devil. A group of tobacco farmers led the animal into quicksand on purpose, early in the 1800's. After its death, the possessed mule came back to prophesy impending disaster for the all the men.


Bryaley's Mill (Hartford Co.)Also known as "Peddler's Run". For eighty years this area has been haunted by a headless ghost. A decapitated body of a peddler was found near a grist mill, in 1763. The headless peddler has been seen along the riverbanks. In 1843 a man digging a ditch found a skull buried several feet underground on the site of Bryarley's Mill. The body of the peddler was exhumed and the head was laid to rest with it. After the ghost was never seen again.


Church Road Bridge (Hollywood)Also known as "Cry Baby Bridge". This bridge is haunted the ghosts of two women. One is a young girl who was killed by a speeding car that took the curve too fast entering the bridge. She was run down by her own husband, who was in a hurry to get home. The women had a his infant son in her arms. When she was hit, the baby was thrown over the bridge into the cold water. The childs body was never found, yet its cries are still heard around "Cry Baby Creek". The other women's ghost is that of a black slave girl who lived near the bridge. She was being sexually abused by her owner. So to get away from this horror she murdered him. When she tried to flee she was hunted down and killed in the swamp. Her ghost is said to have caused many accidents by jumping out in front of cars on the bridge.


Druid Ridge Cememtery "Black Aggie" (Pikesville) A rich and respected man, General Felix Angus died in 1924. He was buried in Druid Ridge Cemetery outside of Baltimore, Maryland. A famous Artist was hired to carve the tombstone, he made it with an angel on top. The angel was carved of black marble. She was very beautiful, but people thought she looked strange. No one was sure why she looked kind of strange. But she did. It was anyone's guess who first started calling the angel "Black Aggie". Whoever it was the name stuck. A few months after the tombstone was put up, the rumors started about strange things happening. Like it was said that at midnight Black Aggie's eyes would glow. The rumors got worse. It was said that all the ghosts in the graveyard would gather around Black Aggie at midnight. Another rumor was that if any one that looked into Aggie's glowing eyes would become blind. She could even be deadly, at least some people thought so. Members of a nearby college club didn't believe in Black Aggie. Some thought the stories were just used to scare new members of the club. They said that every new member would have to spend a night beside Black Aggie. What was supposed to be a joke did not turn out that way. One new member did not come out of the graveyard at dawn. When members of the club found him, they found him next to Aggie... dead. Doctors said he died of fright. After that Aggie got famous. People came to look at the Angel. They started destroying other parts of the cemetery and by breaking pieces of General Angus's tombstone off. It was said that in 1926 that someone even cut off one of Aggies arms. When caught the man said that Black Aggie broke it off on her own and gave it to him. His story was not believed and he went to jail. After awhile the Angus family got tired of all the attention that Aggie caused and they decided to take her down. But they weren't quite sure what to do with her. But in the end it was finally decided that she be given to the Smithsonian in D. C. in 1967. Apparently she is still in one of the many storerooms, it is most likely she will never be put on display. Unfortunately.


Gypsy (Dorchester Co.)In August of every year a ghostly white stallion is said to gallop over the area of Drawbridge. The riders of the horse are a gypsy man and his beautiful love, who were reunited in death. The man was killed in the late 19th century by the women's seven brothers, who disapproved of her pending marriage to the gypsy. But a powerful gypsy curse was cast, mysteriously for seven years one of her brothers would die. Till there were none left. In the eighth year, the women went into a unexplained coma and died shortly after. In the early 1900s her ghost was seen sitting astride a great white horse with her gypsy love.


Leigh Masters (Westminster)This is one of the best-known stories of the area. Leigh Masters came to the area in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century. He set up iron foundries in an area still known as Furnace Hills and became very wealthy. However, by this time, his wife and son had died and Masters had become to came unhinged. He turned his attention to a young slave girl and tried to force himself onto her. The girl was already married to and had a young child by another slave named Sam. Enraged, Masters murdered Sam, then bricked the girl and her child into one of the large ovens in the kitchen and left them to die. He died a short time later and Furnace Hills was abandoned. However, it was said that not even the ground would accept Leigh Masters, and three times his corpse rose up to the surface of the ground from his grave. Eventually, his body was moved to a stone box in the churchyard of Westminster's Ascension Church, which is there to this day - with a large crack in the top of the box. Meanwhile, an imp holding a lantern is said to still roam Furnace Hills after dark, lighting the way for Masters' ghost leading a phantom horse. Sent in by: Megan


The Old Opera House (Westminster)In the mid-eighteen fifties, a traveling comedian from Alabama named Marshall Buell visited Westminster's opera house for an evening performance. Some of his political jokes argued anti-slavery and pro-Union members of the audience. (At this time, Maryland was a very divided state politically.) Buell made a hasty exit when the audience began booing, cat-calling, and throwing rocks and rotten produce at the stage. The local sheriff offered him shelter and protection in the jail overnight, but Buell refused. While saddling his horse behind the opera hose, he was attacked and his throat slit from ear to ear. Since that night, Buell's headless ghost can frequently be seen behind the opera house, gesturing as though he still performs for an audience. The old opera house has since changed hands to become the Opera House Printing Company, but Buell still visits the employees occasionally. Sent in by: Megan


Todd's Farm (Edgemere, Maryland)Here is a haunted house you might be interested in. Todd's farm also know as Todd's inheritance is a very old home. At night you can see a women with a candle in the attic window, waiting for her solider to come home, but he never does. Also right behind the house is the house's cemterey were you can see slaves hanging from a tree. The house has no electricty but if an intruder enters lights will come on through out the house. The house hasn't been lived in for like a hundard years except a couple of years ago when a teacher at Sparrows Point High School bought and moved into it, shortly after he moved in he was found dead, he was hanged. People say that he hung himself because there was no evidence of a break in or intruder, and others say there wasn't any evidence to prove it was suicide. Teachers who have vistied the teacher at his home while he was still alive have pictures of them at the home and in the background of the pictures are little bright lights and one has a face in the window and noone was in the house at that time.

BEYOND BLAIR WITCH (Book Of Real Haunted Burkittsville/MD)